Finishing op the building a much needed drill press table for my bench top drill press.
TIW Ep. 60 - Drill Press Table Part 2
Finishing op the building a much needed drill press table for my bench top drill press.
TIW Short Update No. 23 - New DeWalt Router
Unboxing my new DeWalt DW618PKB router, and seeing what she can do.
TIW Ep. 59 - Drill Press Table Part 1
Part 1 Starting the building a much needed drill press table for my benchtop drill press.
TIW REWIND No. 04 - My Clamp Rack
A review of my Clamp rack and how it has held up over the past 5+ years. What has worked and what could be better.
TIW Ep 58 - Shop Made Screwdriver Part2
The Second Attempt at making a screwdriver for the shop from a Penn State Industry screwdriver kit.
In this episode: Here are some tips that I have found useful. (Scrap Wood Bin, Drawer Pulls, Saftey Drawer)
Making a screwdriver for the shop did not go well. Oh it was a disaster
I made a wall hung coat rack from a piece of scrap curly maple and cherry.I made a wall hung coat rack from a piece of scrap curly maple and cherry.
TIW REWIND No. 03 - Harbor Freight F-Clamps and my Clamp Rack
Revisiting the Harbor Freight F-Clamp and the Bessy F-Clamps 6 years later. Also, my Clamp Rack is now 5 years old. How did it hold up? What worked and what didn't. In this episode: Here are some tips that I have found useful. (Tool Home, Brush Ziploc Bag, use Pegboard First)
April 2021